I know why families were created
with all their imperfections: they humanize you.
They are made to make you forget yourself occasionally,
so that the beautiful balance of life is not destroyed.

well i'm just a
little late on these posts.. :). but yes, these were taken when we were in florida, so they goes with my last post from there loll. anyhow, i don't feel like posting many pictures from this now.. since it happened such a long time ago :/. but here's a few!
of course, note that the picture with my brother and i may be misleading. i am soo not that short, really :D. moving on, there weren't many exciting roller coaster rides there.. but the simpsons ride was awesome! or at least i didn't expect a 4D ride to be that good :)..

ps. universal studios is a really colourful place, they had lots of these little carts selling blown glass and whatnot :). oh, and of course i have to include at least 1 picture from their parade..even though i'm not really a fan of parades, loll.

ooh and the sunset over there is
amazing. we were just walking by this lake, and i had to take a quick snapshot..or two :).
and to end off the day - A HUGE CHRISTMAS TREE! which is not so exciting now since it's, well, summer. but in december it's awesome :)!