December 14, 2011


Oh maybe, I'll build my house in your cloud
Here, I'm tumbling for you.
Stumbling through the work that I have done,
Don't mean to harm you.
By leaving your town again,
But I'm over the ground that you've been spinning,
But I'm up in the air, said baby hell yeah
Oh honey, I can see your house from here
If the plane goes down, damn
I'll remember where the love was found
If the plane goes down...
gosh, there's so much meaning in this song. well.. at least in the way that i see it, it does. anyways, explaining to you what i feel is the meaning of this song isn't my intended reason for posting. i was just sorting through my old files (yes, i have a lot of them.. and it's taking me years to go through them all, haha). and i came across videos taken quite a long time ago from a Jason Mraz concert i once went to. i didn't even know i had these, but ah! listening to them after looking at biochem just makes me so happy. especially these 2 songs - they actually remind me that everything's gonna be alright lol. so here it is, complete stress reliever for you all :).

i would totally upload more of the videos. but it's just taking too long :(.
ps. Jason Mraz is just completely amazing live. and hilariiiious haha.
pps. yes i know the filming sucks, but that's not the point!
ppps. that is totally not me screaming or.. laughing annoyingly :D.
pppps. i am definitely missing summer and.. anything but school now, lol.


December 10, 2011

Around Queen's [2].

Life's full of ups and downs.
But ultimately, at the end of the day,
They're what make you who you are.
The world keeps moving,
And we keep moving along with it.
And everything we experience helps us realize
Just how beautiful life really is.
finally went phototripping around Queen's with a friend! i know, it's exam period and i should be studying. but my next exam isn't until the coming Thursday, and it's biochem at that - so there's not much to worry about if i give myself a little break :). anyways, here are some of my shots!

almost right when we got to campus though, the sun started to set. so, there wasn't much time to walk around and take pictures of the buildings on campus, since we rushed to the lake to take some sunset pictures, lol. i still think sunrise looks much better though, and today was quite cloudy, but hey, sunsets are still amazing no matter what :).

sadly, it got dark really fast - and i'm not that fond of taking pictures under low light, haha. although i finally tried using long exposure! it's not the greatest picture in the world (okay, not even close), but i am so proud that i finally did one, lol. and maybe it's just me, but i find it so exciting to see how they turn out haha.

now i am definitely going to use this technique like crazy in hong kong, especially since they have those super tall buildings overlooking everything :).

anyways, we decided to head on over to the library since.. well, it's quite hard to take pictures of buildings in the dark, haha. so stauffer it was! yes, my first time actually going into the library since.. i was a frosh :D. and they have the coolest things! shelves of books that can be moved just by turning a wheel, awesome old-looking microfilms.. and, of course, a bunch of students studying away quietly (too quiet, if you ask me).

and that's all for now! definitely need another photo hunt when snow finally decides to cover the ground, lol. and i definitely need to take more pictures of the outside of Queen's many buildings.. haha.

December 01, 2011


Whether one sees the world as God's creation
Or as a secular mystery that science is on the way to figuring out,
There's no denying
The beauty and majesty of everything.
There are no seven wonders in the eyes of a child,
There are seven million.

i know, i'm posting so many youtube videos these days and no pictures whatsoever :\ but i've been catching up on my psyc100 readings lately, and this chapter on Consciousness has really made me marvel at just how intricate and mysterious the human brain is. this guy, V. Ramachandran, is honestly so cool. like, i've actually begun to love reading my psyc textbook (well, at least this chapter) because of him, haha. he's a neuroscientist known for his studies on individuals with certain neurological syndromes, including the phantom limb and the one this video is on, split-brain.

split-brain describes someone whose corpus callosum is severed. this is a part of the brain that allows our two hemispheres to communicate with each other. in these patients, it's as if the left side of their brain thinks differently than the right side - which gives us some fascinating interpretations of consciousness. for instance, when you display an image (say, a triangle) on the right visual field of a split-brain patient, they'll be able to verbally tell you what they saw. but, if you display the same image to their left visual field, they'll say they see nothing - interestingly though, when their left hand is given a pencil, they're able to draw what they "didn't see" (the triangle).

amazing right? or maybe i'm just in a nerd state right now :) hehe.