That what we have, we prize not to the worth
Whiles we enjoy it, but being lack'd and lost,
Why, then we rack the value, then we find
The virtue that possession would not show us
Whiles it was ours.

much ado about nothing. shakespeare, if you couldn't figure it out already. now, i know i hate reading quite a fair bit; but i have to say, shakespeare is quite a fair bit interesting. in any case, i didn't read the book just out of boredom or extended leisure times, my brother actually has an english exam. tomorrow morning. studying? i'd give that a 0.5/10, to put it gently. i mean, he doesn't even have the books, haha? well anyways, i decided to read up on the book, make some notes i guess. and i came across this quote :). shakespearean illiterates, it's basically a long-winded version of "you never know what you got 'til it's gone". which i can agree with, for the most part. not that you never know, but that you just don't find things as great of a treasure as they really are until you lose them.

look at him, so intently studying...obviously :\ haha.
ps. cuba! best place to make footprints in the sand :)
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