Just because you can't see it
Doesn't mean it isn't there.
You can't see the future, yet you know it will come.
You can't see the air, yet you continue to breathe.
decided to post a couple of pictures that i took..quite a long while ago, haha. really wanted to go on a photoshoot trip with one of my friends over a weekend, but just never happened cause i get swamped with work (yes, i procrastinate way too much over the week). well in any case, they aren't the best shots in the world, but i felt that my blog was in dire need of some real photos again lol. anyways, these were all taken at Queen's campus! beautiful place, isn't it? it's (mainly) why i chose Queen's in the first place :).
some building that i've never been too but looks super nice + our new med building! yes, construction's been completed for a while, shows you how long ago i took these pictures..ahah. but i have yet to see the inside of it still.
theological hall! that picture was taken with my.. digital camera. haha, it was a really nice day to take pictures.. but my dslr wasn't with me while i was on campus :(.

chernoff. oh, how i hated this place when i had chem labs. this was taken after one of my COR shifts at like 7 in the morning? the sunrise was amazing! too bad it only lasted a couple minutes. but i still got a shot, hehe :)! anyways, this has to be the most random photo set i've blogged haha. whatever, will make up for it after the first snowfall - when i finally take my dslr out to campus again! :).
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