As long as you have memories, yesterday remains.
As long as you have hope, tomorrow still awaits.

a lot has been going on in my life at the moment, too much to say. if you know me well enough, you'll know that GREEK is like my favourite show to watch of all time. i don't even know how many times i've rewatched their episodes. and one of the reasons why i love it so much is that - somehow - something happens in the show that i can always relate to at that time in my life. and i just wanted to write down one of the conversations that two of the characters had with each other:
R: Love at first really believe in that?
E: ...You don't?
R: shakes head. I learned it's purely chemical. The high you get from perceiving someone as romantically appealing is simply your brain responding to endorphin boosts based on visual stimuli and pheromones.
E: That's very clinical...and cynical. It's clinically cynical.
R: It's a biological response.
E: So love...doesn't exist.
R: Nope. I believe in dating and relationships, is a myth.
E: True love.
R: Please, it's just a silly movie. It's not real - there's no such thing.
E: ...So you weren't in love with Cappie?
R: No. Were you in love with Casey?
E: ...Yeah, I think so.
R: Yah, well you're not with her now. So what does that say about true love?
E: It doesn't mean it can't happen.
R: Like it did with my parents? Or yours? Not exactly the earth-shattering, life-altering revelation they make it out to be in the movies.
E: That doesn't mean it's not real.
R: Do you have proof?
E: No. I just believe in it.
R: smiles. I believed in Santa Claus once, too.
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